Print mailings
Print mailings

print mailings

Specify all other postage options (class of mail, postage amount, envelopes or labels, and so on) to calculate the postage.Select the check box for each desired recipient.Select the desired address book from the Address Book drop-down list.Click the Addr button to open the Address Book.In the left navigation bar, click Envelopes, Packages, or International.You can use this option with any address book (either the address book or an address book from third-party software). This option is recommended if you will send mail to the mailing list only once. You do not have to use fluorescent labels with packages and flats, only with envelopes. Note: If you choose to print your addresses and postage on labels for use with envelopes, the USPS requires customers to use special fluorescent labels, which are available from the Store. Set up and save Groups for customer promotions, billing, holiday cards, invitations, and anything else you can think of.

print mailings

You can create different Groups for different purposes. This can be very useful for things such as customer prospect lists. You can select the recipients individually (Option A below), use an address book group (Option B), or use a Microsoft Word mail merge (Option C). Regardless of the method you choose, the application will automatically verify and correct the addresses that you have included. The addresses must be stored in your Address book. enables you to print postage and addresses to groups of people in one print job.

Print mailings